Remembering When

When I look back in my life, one of the first things i remember is school.. I used to be so happy the first day of school.. it was a chance to wear your new clothes, to dress up meet new friends, and to learn. Grade school was awkward. I wasn't considered pretty, my hair was either short of curly from my mothers latest attempt to make me look like Shirley Temple.I was a bit on the pudgy side, not to terribly bad, but not the skin and bones that the other kids were. I was always different. I gravitated to anyone who was different. Sometimes that was not the best decision. Sometimes it was the best decision. Sometimes you come across someone who inspires you. who opens up who you are and says hey I like you. That was my friend Joann. He mother was my math teacher, and I was so bad at math.. but her mom could make it flow from me and I could do the work she was showing me. This Wonderful Teacher had a girl the age I was , we were in a few classes together and she was like her mother. smart loving, gentle. fun. I don't know exactly when it happened but we became best friends. so close that we could tell each other anything.(ok to us it was the most important talk of the year ) But to us, to each other it was our hearts.. intertwined together our minds on the same wave length. We were inseparable. Where Jo went I went and visa versa.  Jo was my closest friend. The one I shared my secret loves too, the one who giggled with me and we talked about growing up and becoming brides, Who we would marry.. what lives we would have.. We were preteens and to us this was the world.. it was everything that was talked about.. except Boys.. we were both in love with same boy.. Michael Benvenuto.. A dreamy blue eyed long haired older boy.. (1 grade) Oh he was dreamy to us.. long blonde hair.. silky long blonde hair.. he was a goof up in class but we didn't care. He was Michael.. We even stalked him one day.. and took a buss just so we could see him a little longer than our class.. Jo and I also loved doing things together..But every summer she would go away to camp and I would be left the whole summer alone.. with no best friend to be with, with no one to giggle with.. I remember packing her care packages with candy and games, cards, and letters.. all so she could see how much I was missing her. and When she returned from camp we would have stories,. and dreams, and things to do again.. I miss those care free days.. when life was as simple as being with your best friend.. I hope she realizes those memories are forever etched in my brain and my heart.. The love that I felt for her I still feel now, but stronger a deeper bond.. she has been there through out my life, through the dark hours, through the sad times.. the happy times.. she has stayed my best friend.. The once person I can talk to about anything.. I love you Joann...


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